Blog Archives

I am still here

Hello everyone, I am still here!

You might have noticed, or perhaps not, but I have not posted very much in the past 3 weeks or so.  I do have some reasons why that is, so if you care keep reading and I will explain them to you.

1. I have re-organized my priority list

The past several weeks I have done a lot of self evaluation and reflection.  I realized I had gotten a few things out of place on my personal priority list and have adjusted my life accordingly.  Due to these adjustments I have not had as much time to sit down and write.  Relationships take a lot of time.

2. I have been busy

Not only do relationships take a lot of time, but it seems like everything else does too lately.  My life tends to run at a fairly quick pace, but lately it seems to be even busier.  Through all the craziness I do see God working, and in some pretty amazing ways.  Which does bring me to my next point…

3. My book will be out soon

What time I have had to work on writing has been dominated by getting my book ready for it’s release.  I do not know exactly when that will be but it is moving forward.  I am so very excited to see the last 2 years of my life getting closer and closer to a printed book in my hand.  I can’t wait for you to have that book in your hand!

I am still here, I do have a few blog posts still swirling around in my head and my heart that I hope will make it on here soon.  Thanks for sticking with me!