Thoughts From The Past Thursday: Mission Trip Information Meeting Checklist

Thoughts from the past Thursday

This next week is going to be a mission trip themed week.  We will kick this theme of posts off with the info meeting checklist that I originally posted on January 28th, 2012.

As I prepare for our first mission trip informational meeting this weekend for our summer trip I thought I would pass on to you everything I present at this meeting.  If you have done all your work up to this point you should have most of this down already, but now it is going public, so gather it all together and make it as clear as possible.  When you do your initial meeting make sure you include these things in your presentation:

1. When and Where

This is number one because it is the first question everyone has.  Make it big and bold and right at the top of your handout.

2. Price 

This is number two because, well, it is the second question everyone has.  Make sure you include everything in this price; on the ground cost, transportation (include hotel stays if need be), food, activities, project money, team shirt, and some misc. extra dollars.  If in doubt about this figure round up, people react a lot better to paying less than being asked for more later.  My goal is that everyone could come on the trip without a dime in their pocket and be taken care of the entire trip.  I don’t include souvenirs or “blow money” in this amount.

3. Why you chose what you did

Don’t be afraid to play the emotional card or the spiritual card here.  Hopefully you prayed a lot about where to go and be honest that this is what you feel God wants for your group this year.

4. Main projects

People want to know that making the sacrifices needed to go are worth it and that they will make a difference.  If possible have at least a few different projects, some people are not good at physical labor so having a different option helps get people excited.  If you are going with an organization you might not know your specific projects yet, so give their website for further info.

5. Trip Schedule

This is more for the parents than for the students.  Parents like details, so give as many as you can and show how your time will be best spent.  Everyone involved wants to know what they are committing to, and seeing that this isn’t going to just be a vacation is important for everyone to know.

6. Pre-trip schedule

This should include your non-refundable deposit to sign up, your trip payment dates, late fees, fundraisers, and pre-trip meetings.  Again, the more details the better.  Make your late fees are enough to motivate people to pay on time.  If they pay late it creates a huge headache for you, so make them pay for your Tylenol.

7. Fundraising options

These don’t have to be set in stone, but at least have a few tentative ideas and possible dates down.  If you can, try and coincide fundraisers with your payment schedule as much as possible.

8.  Fun day

It is ok to be a tourist for part of the time you are gone.  This obviously shouldn’t be the point or the reason someone goes, but including an amusement park or a day at the beach is a huge relationship building opportunity.  Plus we serve a God that likes us to have fun, so don’t feel bad about including some fun.

9.  Q and A time

If you present everything above chance are there won’t be many questions, but this is a good way for you to know if you clearly communicated everything.  Don’t be afraid to answer “I am not sure, let me find out and get back to you.”

10. Pictures or Promo Video

Get some pictures if possible, or an organization promo video, or whatever you can show to get people excited.  The more excited they are now the better chance they will make their payments and other requirements on time.

If you don’t have all of this information ready to present, then you aren’t ready to have your first meeting.  If you don’t have it all together it is not too late…yet, but get to work soon.    Have a great meeting!

Posted on April 11, 2013, in Mission Trip Tips, Thoughts From The Past, Youth Ministry and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Good stuff Brian. I am writing a similar series of posts on planning a mission trip over at

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